Welcome to CKRD-Industrial-Training-Institute

CKRD-Industrial Training Institute,under the Directorate of Industrial Training, Department of Technical Education and Training, Govt. of Rajasthan was established in the year 2000 as works cum Orientation Centre with the intake capacity of approx 300 trainees..

Education levels were rising leading to higher expectations. These factors combined to create a situation wherein unemployment continued to rise because the mass of youth did not have access to job oriented education & were thus not fit for employment in the fledgling Indian Industry.

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  • By percentage of Marks in qualifying Exam.
  • Written Test
  • Interview
  • Any other
Name of Trade under (NCVT) Duration of Training Eligibility Qualification
Electrician 2 Year 10th Pass
Electronics 2 Year 10th Pass
Ref. & AC 2 Year 10th Pass
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant 1 Year 10th Pass

    DGET for admission to a Industrial Training Center,Courses, The candidate should have attained age of 14 years butshould not exceed 40 year on 1st August of the year of admission.


    1. Admission are made every year normally in July/Augustspecific dates are fixed annually in accordance with theacademic/ trainingcoursesschedule issued by the Directorand are indicate on the Admission Application form.

    2. Admission to certificate courses for all type of seats aremade on the basis of merit as explained else where, subjectto priories/ preferences as specified clauses by the Institute.

    3. A candidate seeking admission to any courses of trainingmust get his or her name registered by submitting a dulycompleted Registration Application Form prescribed bythe Institute and enclosed with prospectus, latest by hedate specified on the form along with necessary documentsasked for, with a registration & application processing feeof Rs. 250/- The Registration & application processing isnon refundable and payment of the fee does not guaranteeadmission, not does it entitle a candidate claim; admissioneven if he meets the minimum requirements for admission.only one form is required to filled in for consideration ofadmission to all courses offered by the institute.Incomplete forms or form received after a specified datewill be rejected and fee will be forfeited. The institute does not acknowledge receipt of the forms separate.If acknowledge is desired form should be sent by registered A/D.

    4. The procedure, norms, priorities and preferences underwhich the selection system operates are explained hereafter.These are, however only indicative of the process andcannot be challenged legally or otherwise.

    5. All the candidates Must Deposit Necessary Admission& Other Fee on the Same Day (the day of selection) failingwhich the name of thecandidate is deleted and the seaToffered to the next candidate on the merit list.

    6. A candidate whi is admitted to any course in the institutemust join within 3 days of starting classes. In case he or sheails to join his or her name will be deleted and all fee andcaution money will be forfeited.

    7. The principal reserves the right to refuge admission toany candidate without as signing any reason whatsoever,irrespective of his meeting the other requirement for admission.


    Attendance at Labs/Workshop will be as per DGET Norms.