Welcome to CKRD-Industrial-Training-Institute

CKRD-Industrial Training Institute,under the Directorate of Industrial Training, Department of Technical Education and Training, Govt. of Rajasthan was established in the year 2000 as works cum Orientation Centre with the intake capacity of approx 300 trainees..

Education levels were rising leading to higher expectations. These factors combined to create a situation wherein unemployment continued to rise because the mass of youth did not have access to job oriented education & were thus not fit for employment in the fledgling Indian Industry.

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Introduction Of the Choudhary Kanaram Dhaka Memorial Institute

Choudhary Kanaram Dhaka Memorial Institute
S.No. Name Of the Institute CKRD MEMORIAL PVT. ITI
A Address of The Institute F-151-A, RIICO Industrial Area,II Phase, Jhunjhunu(Raj)
B Date Of Estiblished 01-AUG-2013
C DGET File Reference No. 6/20/31/2013 TC-30/07/2013
D Code Alloted By DGET P-876
E Contact NO. 01592-250260, 230540
F Mobile No. 9468828346,9468828349
G Fax No. 01592-233240
G Email ID Info@ckrditi.com
H Location-Rural/Urban Urban- Latitude :-28.09575 , Longitude :-75.38027
I Approach/How To Reach By Bus & Train